
I’m always pleased to share an amazing vegan recipe anytime I make one or find one. Food has become more than just something you eat and get filled with, it literally is life.

What draws me to a particular recipe differs, and apart from good taste and health benefits, some meals are just simply beautiful. Ever stared at a dish so much that you couldn’t help but admire the color and aroma…I’m a victim of this and it’s a wonderful feeling.

Snap out of my day dream and come back to reality!

I’ve got a special recipe to share with you today, it’s a fall season special. Yeah, I know it’s kinda late but whatever! We aren’t running out of falls anytime soon so you could enjoy this next fall. It’s a win win.

The Roasted Sweet Potato Kale is perfect for those who love roasting vegetables, tofu and are also lazy cooks…lol

There isn’t much to do when preparing the Roasted Sweet Potato Kale, with just 10 ingredients basically all you’ll be doing is preparing your malasa spiced scrambled tofu while your vegetables are busy roasting. Is it just me or do caramelized vegetables taste better? I can’t see you but I know the expression on your face confirms it.

Before we dive into the full recipe, how about we learn about its health benefits. The Roasted Sweet Potato Kale in general is rich in fiber, protein, calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc, iron, selenium, vitamin B and C, antioxidants, all the nine amino acids and lots more. So, you see it’s more than just a meal, it’s a SUPER-FOOD.

The Roasted Sweet Potato Kale is healthy, easy to cook (taking only 45 minutes), tasty and very filling. To enjoy this amazing vegan recipe, click the link below and WAALA!

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AMAZING Savory Tofu Scramble with Kale Sweet Potatoes and Roasted Red Onion Flavorful plant based and SO satisfying vegan glutenfree tofuscramble breakfast recipe 1 - ROASTED SWEET POTATO KALE